10 years Agile Manifesto
Thank you Ken Schwaber. You made agile very popular with Scrum. But why is scrum so successful? Maybe because it concentrates very much on processes? This is an easy target. Everybody that was doing software knew, that the waterfall process didn't fit for the software development... and Scrum made it very easy for software developers.
But now we developers recognized, that not just changing the process to scrum makes us agile. If you read the 12 principles of the agile manifesto, you read something like:
Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.
Unfortunatly Scrum doesn't cover any technical software aspects. We should do TDD or follow coding conventions. Yeah we know all that. But there is actually nothing telling us each day: "Have you written enough tests?" or "Have you chosen the names wisely for your variables?" or "Has your last code being reviewed?".
Some very smart people like Uncle Bob have some suggestions how we can turn the steering wheel a little bit in the technical direction of the manifesto.
But don't understand me wrong: Scrum is great and has brought the agile mindset to a lot of people. We just have to recognize that Scrum does not totally equal Agile.